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Le puits, collaboration project with Olivier Girouard

2008 - 2014

There is a scientific legend that says that if we could look closely at each of the molecules that make up the wall of an old pottery, we could reconstruct the song of the worker who made it. Jocelyn Robert in SON (2003), directed by Nicole Gingras, Artexte editions.


The well is an installation combining electroacoustic music and ceramic. The work connects the sound and the resonance qualities of vitrified clay to evoke the depth of the wells.


The ceramic bowl is inherently silent. The surprise comes from the sound particularity of the work. Since nothing suggests that there are speakers hidden in the bowls, the spectator seeks to understand and grasp where the familiar sounds he hears come from. The sounds of the studio being broadcast within the bowls bring the viewer to the very place where the bowls were created. An additional resonance for this poetic work which immerses the spectator in a place and a duration which would be nonexistent by looking only at the bowl or by hearing only the music. The delight is due to the visual and sound coincidence when the spectator identifies the sound source and suddenly it is no longer speakers who play music but bowls that sing.


Exhibitions in galleries, music venues and festivals 


The well, festival suoni per il popolo, Casa del Populo, June 11, 2008, in collaboration with Ekumen


Musique d'atelier, 6235 Papineau studio, January 16 and 17, 2009, a presentation by Ekumen


Festival of Creative Music, Virtual Space, Saguenay Thursday May 21, 2009


Nuha Al-Ali Gallery, Damascus, Syria, April 19-26 and June 21-28


The Well, Sound play festival and Upart festival Toronto, October 22 to 25, 2009


The well, église du Gesù, September 29 to November 21, 2010


Of Vessels and Voices, Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario, June 27 to September 1, 2013


Porcelain at work, Art Mûr gallery, November 2 to December 21, 2013


Porcelain at Work, Division Gallery, Toronto, January 11 to February 15, 2014

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