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Les pas de l'eau , after the poem of Sohrab Sepehri is an installation / performance with the collaboration of

Ziya Tabassian percussionist and Olivier Girouard, composer. We presented the work three times.

2005, Center Daïmon and the Montcalm gallery

2006, Les escales improbables de Montréal, Vieux-Port, Montreal, September

2016, Laval arts center, July 16

"Si vous venez m'y chercher

Venez-vous-en donc lentement et doucement

De crainte que ne se raye

La porcelaine de ma solitude"


        extrait de "Oasis dans l'instant" de Sohrab Sepehri








The visual installation is made of two elements : the clay slabs that I call "the puddles" and a  group of pots and instruments called "the oasis". Initially, the project was to be presented in a gallery as an open work through which the viewer could stroll. My meeting with Olivier Girouard, composer and Ziya Tabassian, percussionist gave the work a different light and an unexpected color. It created a space for sharing our artistic universes and our respective sensitivities   translating most of the pleasure that I feel to see two voices making their way to the heart of my ceramics and to hear them.


I exhibited The puddles twice simply as a visual installation: in the summer of 2013 at the Clay and Glass Gallery and in the summer of 2014 in the Escoumins.

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